Acupuncture after a car accident
Acupuncture is one the most sought forms of treatment after a car accident.
How so? Because an acupuncturist will not just provide pain relief but also reduce complications such as dizziness, nausea and headaches. These can be signs of a concussion or that one or more cranial nerves has been affected by the sudden jolt of the impact. See below for a great video to relieve neck tension whether from and accident or from chronic tension.
Neck pain is the most common issue after small car accidents - acupuncture can help
Muscle tension and pain remain an issue for many people after car accidents. This tension can make it difficult to adjust vertebrae, move muscles during rehab and be effective at work.
Get back on the road safe and healthy. Acupuncture helps you recover.
Whiplash is all too common when accidents happen on the road. And a concussion can leave you disoriented, dizzy, fatigued and more. These effects might stay for weeks or months but acupuncture helps to reduce the intensity and duration of such symptoms.
Whiplash can be treated with acupuncture
By having balancing effects on the central nervous system (CNS) acupuncture can alleviate symptoms of whiplash and concussion. Most importantly is that you can go back to a normal life as soon as possible.