Estrogen in your food supply
It is a highly ignored topic and yet it penetrates our lives broadly, directly and inevitably unless we pay close attention. Endocrine disruption.
A study published by “Environmental Health Perspectives” indicates that BPA is not the only chemical compound we need to worry about. Another study elaborates on the effects of endocrine disruptors in trans generational gene expression. Yes, if your body is affected by toxins such as plastics your kids, their kids and their grand kids will see the effects. Is plastic Tupperware not an issue in your household? Check out this video on micro-plastics in salt.
Most plastics leak substances with EA (estrogenic activity), some even more sore than BPA. Unfortunately we have little to no data from this study regarding what substances exactly are the problem but the numbers speak for themselves. NPR reports that out of 450 common plastic products, including plastic sippy cups 70% contained EA compounds and after exposing the remaining 30% to sunlight and or heat another 25% became EA positive.
If you use plastics, don’t warm them up in the microwave, avoid putting them in the dishwasher and don’t leave them in the sunlight. Estrogen is entering our food supply from many different sources and it is having an effect on our health, especially our reproductive health.
If you want to support proper clearance of estrogenic substances you can learn here about DIM.